Quick travel guide to the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 in Prayagraj
My picture at Maha Kumbh Mela 2025

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I have created a lot of content around this Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 happening at Prayagraj. I also visited the event as a sadhaka and had a very powerful experience. In this blog, I am collating all this information for all of you! Hope it will help you have a deeper experience with this powerful event!

Pssst: I am currently offering consultation services to help you experience more meaningful pilgrimages. Know more here.

What is a Kumbh Mela all about? Is it about taking a dip or visiting akhadas or experiencing the temples?

It totally depends upon your inclinations. If I had to list down the main aspects, it would be 3 very simple points,

  • be in that space (and allow its energies and flow to work on you)
  • take a dip in the water in as relaxed and involved manner as possible
  • take a simple preparatory sadhana like a simple chant or breathing practice like Anulom Vilom. Do this everyday for 10 – 15 minutes in a slow, meditative way. And do this at the Maha Kumbh also.

Apart from that the temples, ghats, akhadas, sadhus and all else – experience them as situations, internal and external, allow you to.

I have also written an eBook that gives you a good overview of what this Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 encompasses and how you as a sadhaka can make best use of it, it is available for 99 INR only, get it here: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0DT73MSVM/

Here is my video about practical tips and guidance from my previous Kumbh Mela experiences:

Is this really the 144 Year Maha Kumbh Mela? Or is it only marketing hype?

This Maha Kumbh Mela was one of the most powerful events I have experienced. I share my experience in this video,

In this video I also ponder on why this event is so powerful…

Is it because it is the 144-year Maha Kumbh and not the usual 12-year Purna Kumbha?

While I was earlier skeptical of the 144-year tag for this Maha Kumbh, Sadhguru also said it was the 144 year one after he visited Prayagraj.

There is a planetary parade taking place every night of January and beginning of Feb. While this parade is not so rare, and happens every few years, it coming at the time of the Maha Kumbh, is significant.

Moreover, Jupiter is said to complete one revolution around the Sun every 12 years approx. That’s what the Kumbh Mela signifies. This year, it is said that Jupiter has finished 12 revolutions around the Sun based on its constellation position. That is 144 years of its revolution around the Sun.

However, many of us have heard this 144 year thing in some of the previous Purna Kumbh Melas also. I think, that it is not about a particular astrological formation that happens every 144 years. But rather, there are a few different planetary positions that are important… and so after a few years, we can again have a 144-year Kumbh, which signifies a different planetary position that has come after 144 years.

Where to stay at the Maha Kumbh Mela, Prayagraj?

Refer to this instagram reel, there are 3 locations to choose from,

Arail : quiet area, a lot of VIP tents are here

City-side (Daraganj): Nearer to the temples and city facilities – but it is also close to the Triveni Sangam nose, which means it will get very crowded as the footfall increases

Jhunsi: Was the hotspot when the akhadas were there. But since they have left, I am little unsure what is the scene over here now. But it is still well connected to the temples on Daraganj side with a lot of foot bridges.

A lot of accommodation options for all these sides exist. Please search and find what suits your budget best.

If you have specific questions, you can add them in comments, but I can’t be sure to answer. As there are too many 1-to-1 queries coming in. The problem is that for most of the queries, it is not a one-line answer. I need to write a whole paragraph to explain to you the situation. That is the only way to answer you with enough details… so that you will make the right decisions. It is NOT possible for me to do this.

That is why, if you have further questions, I suggest you can refer to my videos listed above. Or purchase my eBook if that makes sense. You can also sign up for my personalized consultation service. Thanks!

All the best for your Maha Kumbh pilgrimage!

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About the Author: <a href="https://maproute.in/about-me/" target="_blank">Priyanka</a>

About the Author: Priyanka

Solo Traveling since 2009. Digital Nomad. Business Growth Marketeer. Wild, Socially Weird. Yoga, Minimalism, Spirituality. Vegetarian. Gujju.... and lots more adjectives. 😉

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