One Friday evening I got some exciting news from a fellow Isha friend. The Adiyogi was going to be open for a “rehearsal” visit. They wanted to test opening it up with a small group, before they opened it up officially. 6 months of lockdown, and definitely I was up for an Adiyogi visit! 😀 […]
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One Friday evening I got some exciting news from a fellow Isha friend. The Adiyogi was going to be open for a “rehearsal” visit. They wanted to test opening it up with a small group, before they opened it up officially.

6 months of lockdown, and definitely I was up for an Adiyogi visit! 😀

Nature Kick

Adiyogi is 30 kms from the Coimbatore city and situated amidst a bounty of nature. Farms which were lush green at this time, Nilgiri hills covered in waves of white clouds and at the periphery of all this, the reserve forest.

Lush farms enroute Adiyogi
Planting paddy? Farm near Adiyogi
planting paddy?

Some of us felt that our eyes were having a hard time absorbing all this nature and long distance view. And possibly the open air of the countryside was also unusual now for the body.

Do go out in the countryside when possible…


After quite a bit of waiting around at Malai vasal, the outer gate to Adiyogi, finally the relevant people and systems were in place. So we were good to enter. My friend Sphoorti and I were the first people to enter. 😀 We had the privilege of walking all the way to Adiyogi from Malai Vasal (almost a km walk). The others were allowed to enter in their vehicles. For some reason they asked us to enter via foot. 😀

It was a good privilege because we got to soak in the nature. And watch the Adiyogi from afar as it kept coming in closer. Plus, we got a closer darshan of the kaal bhairava kshetrapaal shrine in making,

Kaal bhairava stone for the upcoming shrine, Adiyogi entrance
Kaal bhairava kshetrapaal temple work in progress
beautiful pathway leading to Adiyogi
Walkway towards Adiyogi…
Flowering plants near the Adiyogi
flowering plants have come up here, they were not there before the lockdown 🙂
Central portion for sitting is not accessible. But the space is still so impactful!

Only a ramp that allows us to walk by the Adiyogi. We couldn’t sit nor circumambulate. But it was still a superlative visit. Hopefully, the restrictions will ease and more will open in the future which will allow us to sit there, and spend some proper time while social distancing.

Here’s my earlier blog post about memorable activities @ Adiyogi. 🙂

Poondi temple is also partly open

Later we went for a quick trip to the nearby Poondi temple. Which is also somewhat open. Not entirely open. If you go there, do give some money to the various poojaris and folk. As they have found it really difficult to manage in the lockdown.

Poondi temple gopuram
main temple hall was closed. the smaller shrine for the Velliangiri hill was open.
Poondi temple kund and shops closed
not many people and the shops are closed

When we visited, it was still a “rehearsal” visit. A few days later, I heard the Adiyogi was now open for public, in a restricted manner as I described above. But if you are planning a trip, specially to visit him, then do call the Isha helpline @ 8300083111 and check for official confirmation of same.

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  1. When Will Isha Yoga Center Open?! - Inspirituality - […] news: Adiyogi is open 😀 Read my post on my Adiyogi visit after the […]

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About the Author: <a href="" target="_blank">Priyanka</a>

About the Author: Priyanka

Solo Traveling since 2009. Digital Nomad. Business Growth Marketeer. Wild, Socially Weird. Yoga, Minimalism, Spirituality. Vegetarian. Gujju.... and lots more adjectives. 😉

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