Macro photography: producing photographs of small items in larger-than-life size. I don’t have professional macro photography setup, but here are some interesting photographs from the Australian bush, macro-style. 🙂 But before you take a look at those, a quick note on – what is the Australian Bush? The ‘Australian bush’ loosely means any area outside the […]
Post Category: Australia
australian bush

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Macro photography: producing photographs of small items in larger-than-life size.

I don’t have professional macro photography setup, but here are some interesting photographs from the Australian bush, macro-style. 🙂

But before you take a look at those, a quick note on – what is the Australian Bush?

The ‘Australian bush’ loosely means any area outside the metropolitan cities of Australia. Almost 89% of the Australian population lives in the major metropolitan cities. Outside these cities, the towns are small amidst huge expanses of land. And usually, any wilderness in these areas is considered bush. Even the small towns may be referred to as ‘bush towns’. I suspect the term has come up due to the bush-y nature of the wilderness. While there are a lot of eucalyptus tree forests in Australia, they are significantly sparser than the forests of the tropical regions. And apart from these Eucalyptus trees, the greens are usually stunted. Wattle bushes, grass, a lot of mushrooms, fungus, tiny flowering plants and the like.

australian bush photography

There’s an expression in Australia that’s called ‘Go Bush,’ which means to get out of the city and relax. I try and ‘go bush’ to places where there’s no cell reception. But, I don’t get to do that often, so for the most part, it’s just a state of mind. – Cate Blanchett

Wandering and cycling in the bush can be an enchanting experience. The flora, fauna, birds and animals are so different from what you see else where. And the eucalyptus trees all around give the green groves also a very different look. So for a while, I just wondered about how different it all is. Until I settled into this different environment and then it felt like home. 🙂

The rough bush roads re-echoed 
The bar-room’s noisy din, 
When troops of stalwart horsemen 
Dismounted at the inn. 
And oft the hearty greetings 
And hearty clasp of hands 
Would tell of sudden meetings 
Of friends from other lands;

And when the cheery camp-fire 
Explored the bush with gleams, 
The camping-grounds were crowded 
With caravans of teams; 
Then home the jests were driven, 
And good old songs were sung, 
And choruses were given 
The strength of heart and lung.

~ Henry Lawson, The Roaring Days poem

(Read the full poem)

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About the Author: <a href="" target="_blank">Priyanka</a>

About the Author: Priyanka

Solo Traveling since 2009. Digital Nomad. Business Growth Marketeer. Wild, Socially Weird. Yoga, Minimalism, Spirituality. Vegetarian. Gujju.... and lots more adjectives. 😉

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