I am not very experienced in this matter, because I have been to limited group travels but recently had reason to write this post. While I cannot go into personal specifics, I have figured some few very important points to keep in mind before going for a group travel. 1. WHY are we traveling There […]
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I can help make your Pilgrimages (yatras) more MEANINGFUL for yourself and SUSTAINABLE for the destination! Know more here!

I am not very experienced in this matter, because I have been to limited group travels but recently had reason to write this post. While I cannot go into personal specifics, I have figured some few very important points to keep in mind before going for a group travel.

1. WHY are we traveling

There are many levels to this question.

a. Why are we traveling as a group? – do we maybe have some common work to do or similar interests. Is it a family trip or a work trip? Or friends going to have fun?

b. Why are we traveling to this place? Why not some other place?

Is it because it is exotic – in which way? Shopping destination – luxury goods or cheaper deals? Sightseeing – local scenery or architecture or monuments? Does everyone see eye to eye about this??

c. What is the purpose of the trip? The above two questions will provide an answer to this. The trip specifics can be planned after the above are determined.

2. Group Dynamics

This is crucial in any group whether while traveling or working or anything else. If the trip is with strangers then one can’t pre-determine this. One can only hope that everything is friendly and positive. These dynamics however play a major role if it is a family trip or work trip where there are existing relationships and social rules. It is not just about your own relations with others but also about tensions between other individuals and such because one can easily be caught in such a vortex to create a bad experience.

These must be thought through before one commits to such a trip.

3. Important activities for you

Note down what you would like to do in the trip as priority. Often in groups one can get pulled into activities that other people are interested in. Keep a note of important activities so in case required just start individual foraging. This is anyway very simple for me as I am into solo-traveling.

However, there are often many logistical and practical challenges.

If the above points are thought through and maybe even discussed openly within the group then a good trip may happen!

The thing is that usually trips are fun and really good way for people to bond but there are times when they can really be a bad experience. And it is sad because one spends so much money and time and energy traveling and one doesn’t even enjoy it!

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About the Author: <a href="https://maproute.in/about-me/" target="_blank">Priyanka</a>

About the Author: Priyanka

Solo Traveling since 2009. Digital Nomad. Business Growth Marketeer. Wild, Socially Weird. Yoga, Minimalism, Spirituality. Vegetarian. Gujju.... and lots more adjectives. 😉

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