Sometime in early June 2020, Francesco wrote me a message about planning a cycling trip in Europe. He had read some of my blogs on my Berlin – Copenhagen cycle tour and had some additional queries. We were in the COVID lockdown here in India so I was really happy to get some cycling vibes […]
Post Category: Cycling, Denmark, Europe, Germany

Sometime in early June 2020, Francesco wrote me a message about planning a cycling trip in Europe. He had read some of my blogs on my Berlin – Copenhagen cycle tour and had some additional queries.

We were in the COVID lockdown here in India so I was really happy to get some cycling vibes from Europe. And especially someone who was ready to make such a trip in the very similar region – Copenhagen to Berlin!

After the trip, he sent me a really short but interesting account of his cycling Denmark and Germany. I could so relate to it. Thought all you other readers might find it enjoyable,

The trip was awesome! and so long! I was not expecting Denmark to be so beautiful. Certainly I was not ready to see cows eating grass growing next to the sea… would the burger taste like fish? The thatched houses were lovely (I still remember the eye-like windows), and their gardens were so carefully maintained. Castles, beaches, forest and more, were great, each one standing out on their own. Germany also offered interesting views, which were kind of more realistic to me since I am not used to seeing rural areas so well maintained as in Denmark. Among those views, a memorable couple of deers crossed my path and took my breath away. There were so many lakes!! I didn’t know Germany had so much water. Also I could eat fish!! I do love fish (I am from Peru so it comes in the genes) and found really tasty ones on the way. 
All in all, it was an experience I won’t ever forget… nor my friends since I see myself repeating fragments of it for many years to come. 

I can so relate to this! I also remember the little details seen on the road – rolled up bales of hay in the fields, little fairy tale cottages, forests, the many lakes of Germany! and many more such details which are not about a specific location really. Just the overall countryside look and feel.

faxe ladeplads
Bio Luminescence @ Faxe Ladeplads, Zealand, Denmark

Felt so happy reading Francesco’s message 😀 And he also said,

Thanks again for writing the blog, I believe that was one tipping point for me to decide on the trip.

😀 much happy.

So if you are on the fence about this, do explore a cycling tour! It is a lovely way to explore the countryside – the best way to travel a country. 🙂

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About the Author: <a href="" target="_blank">Priyanka</a>

About the Author: Priyanka

Solo Traveling since 2009. Digital Nomad. Business Growth Marketeer. Wild, Socially Weird. Yoga, Minimalism, Spirituality. Vegetarian. Gujju.... and lots more adjectives. 😉

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