I found Taiwan fascinating. I plan to write long blog posts like the one about Experiencing Zen & others which are a work in progress. As I was going through my photographs, I saw that so many of them are clicked randomly as I was walking/cycling around the cities. And I felt like sharing them. So […]
Post Category: Taiwan

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I found Taiwan fascinating. I plan to write long blog posts like the one about Experiencing Zen & others which are a work in progress. As I was going through my photographs, I saw that so many of them are clicked randomly as I was walking/cycling around the cities. And I felt like sharing them. So here are a bunch of these photographs with almost no long write-ups. *ahem* 😉

I have never really taken photography too seriously. In fact I use my mobile phone (One Plus One) to click pics as I travel. And a lot of times I am busy just observing stuff and don’t bother with the camera at all because I feel it takes away from the experience. Lately however I have been appreciating how photography is also an experience in itself.

So tell me what you think of my Taiwan Street Photography! 🙂

Kite Flying In Anping
Taiwan Street Photography - Anping Kite

Anping boasts of an old town feel in the Southern Taiwan city of Tainan. With fresh ocean air and relaxed lifestyle – this picture of a man flying a Octopus shaped kite was eye catching. I loved that to the side he has a chair and a drink glass. What a relaxed ambiance this place had. 🙂

 Street SnacksTaiwan Street Photography

As I took a quick look behind, I spotted this quaint street food rake. Somehow it felt so Chinese to me. Maybe it was the  traditional Chinese foods sold, Chinese language signboard or just the overall look of the bike crate. Plus of course a cycle brings a smile to my face! 🙂

Religion Adds culture & colour in Taiwan

Taiwan Street Photography

Taiwan Street Photography - Religious Procession

A religious procession. Which religion? Usually a mix of Buddhism and Taoism.

Taiwan Street Photography - Temple

Temples are a common sight while walking Taiwan.

Bamboo Reeds

Taiwan Street Photography - Shifen

Some more culture. Understanding these cultural activities takes quite a bit of effort due to the language differential.

National Flag

Taiwan Street Photography - Flags!Added this picture here because the National flag is everywhere in Taiwan. Whether it is to bolster their feeling of independence from their neighbour or some other reason, it creates a certain ambience.

Why Do Taiwanese Scooters Have Hand Mittens? 
Taiwan Street Photography - Scooter Mittens

This would definitely make sense in winter… but currently it was quite hot when we started noticing that scooter drivers had mittens attached to the handle bars!

Taiwan Street Photography - Zebra Crossing

Rainy Taiwan Street PhotographySitting by on a rainy day in Taipei. (Notice the national flags)

CyclingTaiwan Street Photography - Bicycle

Owner nowhere in sight. Cycle is left with luggage outside a tourist attraction. Taiwan is easily one of the safest countries in the world.

Taiwan Street photography

The road on top is the dedicated river bike path of Taipei. Loved riding here.


Taiwan Street Photography - Cabbage baskets

Taiwan Street Photography - Cranberry Juice Seller

Cranberry juice seller at the Raohe night market. I was scared that the night market would be a meat fest and not really for a vegetarian like me, but it wasn’t at all. I enjoyed having some cranberry juice 🙂

TaIwan Street Photography Out In The Countryside

Taiwan Street Photography - mountain town

Had lunch in this sleepy town, as part of the Formosa 900 biking event.

And a quote to leave you with:

Taiwan Street Photography - traffic

Check out the Black White version of some of these photographers here! 

7 Reasons Why Indians Should Add Taiwan To Their Bucket List Post COVID-19

Taiwan has been in the news lately. One, because of their amazing COVID-19 preparedness. They warned WHO of the dangers of this virus very early on but weren't taken seriously. Second, because the current tensions between India and China has led a lot of Indians to...

Cycling In Taiwan: A Detailed Guide

2016 was the year I flew East. And my first experience of the Oriental culture was a month in Taiwan! 😀 Delving into the Taiwanese culture was fascinating. So many similarities with the Indian culture and also so much difference. Exploring this new culture was a...

Taipei River Bike Path : For Cyclists, Walkers, Travellers et al.

when I started searching out cycling routes in and around Taipei, I found a lot of mentions about the Taipei river bike path. And I loved it! I was fascinated on having such amazing infrastructure for cyclists, so easily accessible and right in the middle of a capital...

Solo Cycle Touring In Different Corners Of The World

I prefer slow, immersive travel experiences. In the Summer of 2015, I went on my first trip to Europe, and tried out solo cycle touring. It was amazing and I found it very well suited for my tastes. Since then I have been on more cycling adventures in other countries...

Taiwan Street Photography [Black and White]

I put up a blog with some Taiwan street photographs in coloured version earlier. While working with them I realised that some of those pictures look amazing in black and white. So I did a black and white series on Instagram. Somehow a lot of the street photographs I...


  1. Pooja Bhatt

    Taiwan is such a Lively and Vividly colourful like India 🇮🇳 loved the Pics and the inputs given by you are also Gr8.

      • Pooja Bhatt

        🙂 You will see me more often here Priyanka!



  1. Taiwan Street Photography [Black and White] | Maproute Travel Blog - […] put up a blog with some Taiwan street photographs in coloured version earlier. While working with them I realised…

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About the Author: <a href="https://maproute.in/about-me/" target="_blank">Priyanka</a>

About the Author: Priyanka

Solo Traveling since 2009. Digital Nomad. Business Growth Marketeer. Wild, Socially Weird. Yoga, Minimalism, Spirituality. Vegetarian. Gujju.... and lots more adjectives. 😉

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