Thanks to my curiousity and interest to visit obscure places, I often land up in fairly offbeat corners of rural India looking up a shrine or temple marked on the map. Such was also my visit to Sadhguru ShriBrahma’s small ashram in Kaikatti near Annur, Tamil Nadu. (My blog on all Sadhguru ShriBrahma shrines here)
Established by Manu swami, disciple of Coonoor Adigalar (thanks Vijayakumar anna for this info). It is a small hall with multiple Sadhguru photos and one photo of Manu swami himself. Outside the gate is a Ganesha temple.
A small mud path at the side goes to one black stone samadhi. It is of a caretaker who passed away due to COVID.

I visited this shrine on my way from Coimbatore to Mysore in October 2022. When I visited, the Swamis who manage things it were not there. They probably visit off and on. Only one local caretaker was there. He was a bit shifty.
He tried to show that he knew a lot about the place, but later when I checked with Vijayakumar anna, a lot of the information the caretaker gave was false. I guess, he was making stuff up. Maybe for money. Glad that I put my major donation into the locked box kept in the shrine. This fellow eagerly took the 10 INR that I have him for showing me around. Maybe he wanted more .. that’s why he was acting so knowledgeable?
Anyway, it was a nice visit overall. A lot of these smaller shrines and temples of rural area, are so surrounded by empty land and natural spaces that they inevitable become quite powerful. So, I feel.
If you are in the surroundings, do visit. Just a little piece of story of Sadhguru ShriBrahma. Though this ashram was built after he passed away. But it is still his legacy.
Visited Shribhrama ashrama last year, the place sure is like a heaven.